Quali-Pro TM 4.5 Flowable Fungicide - 2.5 Gal

Quali-Pro TM 4.5 Flowable Fungicide - 2.5 Gal

Regular price $225.00

Quali-Pro TM 4.5 Flowable Fungicide is liquid fungicide designed for broad-spectrum control of various fungus and diseases and preventative protection against major turf and ornamental diseases. It's also an excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides. 

Active Ingredient
Target Pests For Use In Application Rate Pet Safe EPA Registration
Thiophanate-methly 46.2% Brown Patch, Summer Patch, Dollar Spot, Gray Leaf Spot, Fusarium Blight, Anthracnose, Powdery Mildew, Stem, Crown and Root Rots Nursery, greenhouse, landscape, turf, trees, and golf courses.  Refer to label Yes  66222-134